Sunday, November 7, 2010

Days like today

Its days like today that I want to be DONE
Yes I know…I said that I came out here to struggle
Yes I know that I am in a testing and proving time in my life, and I am having these challenges for a reason.
Yes I know that there is a reason and purpose to all things…
Yet… its days like today that I am ready to be done.
To go home
To be with my family
To see alex
To not have to worry about barley making enough money to pay the stupid rent and buy food,
To not worry anymore about all of the drama of roommates and apartments and getting cheated out of money and the crap that I have been going through
Its days like today I want to throw my hands up into the air and say ENOUGH!
It’s on days like to today I wonder why…
Why do I choose the hard way?
Why didn’t I take that other job?
Why am I here?
Why is this so hard?
Why can’t I have a break?!
It’s on days like today that I miss my girls
That I want to have a porch party, and be close to the ones I love and miss dearly
Its days like today that I am confused and frustrated
Its days like today that I don’t seem to be getting the answers, or at least not understanding the answers
Its days like today that I wonder if I am asking the right questions,
Its days like today that I don’t want to be making important decisions anymore!
It’s on days like today


  1. Know that you are loved VERY much! Hang in there :) xoxo

  2. I found your blog from facebook and hopped over. I hope you know I love you! Are you in NYC?? How long are you going to be out there?
