Thursday, June 24, 2010

"Don't Judge My Hat"

Um….I just went through a bit of a struggle with myself trying to decide if I wanted to turn on my laptop before I went to bed…the laptop won- but only cause I had some thoughts of things I wanted to write down….then promptly forgot once I got it on….

Wait for it…..

Ah-ha! I remember now….

Here is my thought- its kind of random…it makes sense in my mind currently…yet it is Late- I am mid-week efy and Tired! And ready for sleep!

I am trying to think of the best way that I can say this…um…and I don’t really like this analogy right now but it’s the best I can come up with…

I wear a lot of hats. (hats = responsibilities and roles in life)

Depending on the day of the week, month, or even just the time of day you could possibly see me wearing any one of my plethora of hats.
And at any given time most likely you will see me balancing multiple hats on my head at once!

> Don’t judge me by my hat

Does that really personify who I am?!?!
Does this one hat (situation) = me?! And all of me? Even though really that is only one part of me?!?!?

Hold on! Don’t you want to see one of my other hats? If you don’t like the red on I can put on the yellow or black one!

Anyway…there are my random thoughts for the night….I think I will write a book… it will be called what I titled this post “Don’t Judge My Hat” …that is unless I can come up with something better later on. =)

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