Meet Warren…
Oh! Cool story from this week! I was on check in duty…and there was this kid…and he had a friendship bracelet and I said, “oh cool frien…wait a second!...I made that bracelet!” Turns out that Jackson still had the friendship bracelet that I had made for him a year ago at efy! For real! And I remember making it for him too! Cause I asked him what colors he wanted and he told me, “I want one exactly like yours!...same colors!” So here we are! Showing off our matching friendship bracelets!
My company was aWEsoMe!!! Love love them! Here they are…
Our group cheer when like this: “E to the N to the durance…Eternal…Say WHAT!” With hand motions and ALL! It was awesome!
Here is our banner…
We would jump rope together…here is my sweet jump rope pic of the week!
And my little Ceddy (Cedrick) got sick…poor kid…and they thought that he had spread it…so they decided that our entire company needed to have their throat checked out…
lets see....how about I share some more pictures!
all of the counselors this week...
My Man Cubs working on the blankets that we did for service project...
My ENTIRE COMPANY was in Musical Program. This is the first time (I wouldn't doubt saying EVER) - that a WHOLE company of 14-15 year olds did Musical Program together!
this is a picture at the first rehearsal...we had TONS of youth who came and participated!
OH! AND.....
this is our session director - Brother Chang with his cute family...
Bro Chang found out at the beginning of the week that I am fluent in ASL - so he randomly called me up to help him tell the chillins about the rules at the beginning of the week, and then asked me to sign the theme song which all of the counselors sang together.
WELL....come to find out there was a young woman at this session who is Hard of Hearing, she came up to me and told me that it really helps her out when I sign.
SO- on Thursday I interpreted for the entire Musical Program and the fireside. It was an exhausting and exhilarating task! I LOVE interpreting...I still get a little nervous every time I go to do it! Thank goodness for the Spirit! He guides me and helps me SO MUCH when I am interpreting!
The Spirit runs REALLY deep within me while I am interpreting for church/testimonies. So it was a really powerful experience to interpret for the musical program. I almost started to tear up a little bit for part of it. I wish I could adequatly explain the feelings of the Spirit, but I don't think its something that can rightfully be put into words. so I shall just say that I was very grateful to be able to be part of that this week and have such wonderful spiritual experiences!
Oh! and on that note...I just thought of this! kind of a little ah-ha moment as I sit and type...
The greatest spiritual experiences come when in the service of others!"
Lets see...
Picture TIME!!!!
Can you tell?!?!
Warren and I really DO like each other...
like so....
OH MY GOSH!!!!....
This week I discovered some AMAZING things that my camera can do! HAHA!!!! Some editing features that are built right into the camera!
for example: taking out red eye and a fishlens edit feture, a "retro" option that puts a black circle around your picture... this focused color option...
THeN!.....our FAVORITE!!! which has been the cause of MUCH entertainment and MANY Laughs!.....HAPPY FACES!!!!!
This feature enhances the smile....making the faces more....HAPPY!
Here are a few before and after examples:
I actually have a funny story about Jon! On Wednesday after BC meeting Jon casually says to me, "Kristy, when I first met you I was totally intimidated by you." I said, "oh really?" He replied, "yeah! you could have told me to do ANYTHING and I would have done it!...like...go kill that guy! and I would have said, yeah okay!"
haha- I asked him why it was that he was so intimidated of me?
He said, "I think that it was something that you said at the first meeting of the week when I first saw you...I dont even remember what it was....but you were....oh.....I dont know....let me think....whats the right word.....you were very......Fiery!"
"oh....okay....thanks." lol I actually take that as a compliment in ways!...cause I will tell you what...I would MUCH rather be Fiery than bland and dull! ]
So this week at efy Bro Chang came up with the fun iead to have all of the counselors have a "secret friend" and we would give small gifts to our friend in secret...Tuesday we gave our favorite treat, Wednesday we gave a poem, Thursday we gave a spiritual thought, and Friday we revealed to them who their secret friend is! It was a fun little thing to do.
Warren asked for my Wed during games night with writing his poem...this is what we came up with...
Um....I just want to share one last thing! from this week...
This is Warren during games night...
He is trying to say:
go ahead...try to say it 3 times fast...or just once slow...sounds pretty easy huh? but I bet you will struggle!
So... remember how I work on campus at USU and have seen EFY people all over? How did I never see you?! Love you!