Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Double Show Day

Its official! I am back in London… ok, yeah it has been official for more than a week now, but it was a double show day today.  I headed off to see if I could get tickets to the musical Matilda. I was sad that they were all sold out. But on my way to Matilda I saw the theater that is showing “Singing in the Rain.” This wasn’t on my list of shows to see, but I saw the theater and got excited as memories of attractive Gean Kelly and the fun songs that I love rushed into my mind. So when I discovered that Matilda was sold out, I went back and got a ticket and saw Singing in the Rain.
It was a fun show, not my favorite. =/ I mean it was what it should have been- jazz hands, the songs I love, the lead did a great job and the number that inspires the title of the show with a full on rain storm and splashing the audience was a lot of fun, well performed, the dancing was great. But my over all feeling for the musical was… Meh.
I know that sounds awful. I think that I am becoming more and more snobbish in my theatre likings, and not as easily appeased with flashy and showy just for the sake of fluff. This is probably in part, the doing of my  Master Program.  The desire for theater to SAY SOMETHING! Something Important. For audience interaction, for Critical Thinking!

After Singing in the rain was over I headed over to Hyde Park. When I was there the other day I saw a Large white tent set up. The same 360 Theater tent where I saw Peter Pan last time I was in London. And I got excited. They are currently showing “The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.”

From the moment the production started I was captivated! The Music was awesome! The puppetry Incredible! The acting was on spot and the Design and Costuming was Phenomenal!!!

I LOVED every minute of this show! It was so Creative, and Beautiful! And I was filled by it in many senses.

Let me tell you something about myself. I don’t cry in movies…but live theatre – much more likely to happen! After the performance of this show I had a few tears running down my cheeks. Not cause it was sad… but because of the beauty and creativity of the art that I had just seen! IT really was amazing! It is a show that I really wish I could have shared with someone! Actually I want to share it with everyone!

I wanted so badly to take pictures during the performance… but they are not allowed. Instead I bought a program that has promotional photos… I want to share some of the costumes and design aspects of the show… it was truly AMAZING!!!

Also I wish that they had a recorded soundtrack of the original score. They don’t and I was sad, cause I was ready to get one, just believe me when I say it was Amazing!!!

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