Yummy, eggs, sausage, beans, bacon, toast, and a very full me!
After breakfast we headed over to Potrabello Road- last time I went I was sick – so being there today was much more enjoyable! I was able to find some gifts for my family members too! =)
oh and we got crepes!
YUMMY!!! Lemon and sugar Crepes! oh I want another! love them!
then a few of us decided to go over to the British Library.
this is Cat, Sam and me in front of the British Library- they are both english majors so this is REALLY cool for them!
They have some special exhibits there that are really cool! We wern't allowed to take pictures there- sorry wish I could have- so I will just tell you some of the cool things that I saw there:
-The original Alice in Wonderland book- hand written and illustrated by the author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
-The origional handwritten manuscript of Handels "Messiah"- so cool! this was composed in 24 days in 1741
-Beethoven's tuning fork
-Beethoven's violin Sonata in G Major that he wrote out and autographed-
Beethoven typically used sketch books to note musical ideas (sometimes during country walks) then wrote them out as soon as it was complete in his mind.
-there was a bunch of Beatles stuff like envelopes and cards and papers that they first wrote out lyrics on for songs like: Help, Yesterday, I Wanna Hold Your Hand,
Ticket to Ride, Hard Days Night, and Michelle
-There was a big collection of Shakespeare's first folios - which was really cool and this was just a visiting exhibit, not perminate like everything else - so good timing on that
-The Magna Carta
-Leonardo DeVinchie's notebooks
-the earliest printed star chart - by a Chineese Astronomer
-The Gutenburg Bible
-The first printed Bible in England - which was the Biblia Latina (a bible)
we went back home and I met up with some girls who wanted to go to a show- but the tube was super slow and there were some lines closed down so we were havign a heck of a time getting to the theatre. There was no way that we were going to make it on time- so 2 girls decided to just go home- but McKell and I decided that we would try to find something else to go to. We made it to the theatre just in time but the show that we were going to see was no longer showing - instead there was another show there was a guy there who said that he was seeing it for the 3rd time so we figured -"hey its gotta be good on some sort of scale for this guy to like it so much." so we went and saw a play called "Ordinary Dreams" it was a smaller theatre and it was a well doen show- I enjoyed it very much! There was a lot of British Humor in it jokes about the tube and poking fun and this and that- things that wouldn't make sense if it were performed back at home- but were rather funny here!
After the show Mckell and I wandered around Leicester Square a bit. there are some Huge statues of lions up on this monument in from of the National Gallery so we took some pictures and had some fun- it was beautiful weather tonight!
We then wandered around and found a McDonalds - now the only reason I would go into a McDonalds in the UK is to get a cheap ice-cream cone! there is NO WAY that I am eating American Fast food on this trip! so we got ourselves some ice-cream to eat as we wandered, then found a bus and went home. it was a good night! we had a lot of fun!