Saturday, June 27, 2009

Chillin in Kent

Gary has a BBQ gathering of old friends today that he brought me along with him. It was fun a bunch of Gary’s old friends from their ward growing up. Most of them are married and have kids. I really got along with them and had fun. The BBQ was at Marcus' and Dicksey's house. They were SO nice! I really enjoyed talking to Dicksey! we got along really well. There was also a someone who brought a mutual friend with them who was from Utah - her name was Jacque and she actually went to the same high school as me! and we have mutual friends- so that was pretty cool! The world is SO small- especially within in church!
There was one point that I was out with friends and Gary was inside and some of them asked me if I was dating Gary, I laughed a bit and said, "heavens no, we are good friends and I love him, but no we are not dating."
We spent the rest of the day there- I was hoping to maybe make it up to London today so that I could see George. I talked to him on the phone for a minute, but I didn't want to impose my agenda on Gary cause I was there as his guest, so I just followed along with what he was doing. Which was mostly fun, at least until Gary and the boys were playing video games...all night haha.
I fell asleep on the couch. We went back to Gary’s around 2 am or so, it took a while longer to get to his house too cause there was a main road blocked off so we had to find a different way around to get back to his place.

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