Wednesday, June 17, 2009


(fyi - LOOVE- is how you say it)

This is at the entrance - pretty cool!
Yep- its a HUGE museum!! Michelle, Kelsey and I went early so we could spend a good amount of time in this MASSIVE museum. Very first thing we went in to see the Mona Lisa-

there were all kinds of things to see: paintings sculptures
ancient Egyptian stuff, etc.
I dont think that I can adequately describe just how big the Lourve is! It was really a neat thing to be there and see everything- I took an art history class years back and as I was walking around sometimes I would recognize a painting that I had studies in class THAT was really cool!
here are a few:Just don't ask me to tell you a whole lot about them cause I don't really remember. =)

I found a book at the Lourve book store that I have wanted for a long time! its called "The Little Prince" It is actually by a French author and has been translated into English - so they has it and I got a copy of it! good little book!
Afteter the Lourve we went around to some shops and then split up and went to do our own thing- I went to an internet cafe and was able to Skype with my dad for a while which was nice. I met back up with michelle in the hostel and we went to go and meet up with Kelsey - we were goign to try to see an Opera tonight.
As we were walking down the street we walked over this big vent in the sidewalk and my skirt totally flew up! HA kind of funny!
Anyway the opera was all sold out - so we wandered aroud trying to find something else to do- we saw another theatre there was a comedy playing - Michelle and Kelsey wanted to go and see it- but as we have covered previously I dont know French! So I decided to go off and do my own thing instead of spending my money sitting through a play that I wouldn't understand a word of. I hopped on the Metro and was going to head over to Notre Dame but I got off the wrong stop - there was a man selling fruit for WAY CHEEP right off the stop though - so I bought some peaches and mangoes.
I wandered around the streets a bit, this is what it looks like...
I was walking down the street and 2 girls came up to me and started speaking to me as they handed me a flyer. I said, "Sorry I dont speak French." they said "oh well we speak some English." They then told me that tonight was prayer night at the cathedral that was just across the street..."do you want to come with us?" "SURE!" I said. They looked really suprised that I said yes! haha- it kind of brought me back to my missionary days and reminded me of when people said yes to us and we would be as times suprised and mostly excited that they were willing. As we walked over to the Cathedral together they said, "So you are Catholic!" "Nope!" came my reply. hahaI think that confused them even more but they said , "well thats okay, you can coem anyway"
I went into the church and was handed a candle and told I coudl put it wherever- there were lots of people and a minister of sorts speaking to the crowd and there were TONZ of candles all over! it was kind of cool! you can kind of tell what it was like in this picture...
They also said that there were people who would pray for/with me. I decided to just sit and listen for a while. I once again couldn't understand the speakers- but I liked the music. I think that is oen of the greatest things about music is it crosses language barriers! So after a bit I went on my way- it was a cool thing to experience while in France. I spoke with a member of that church on my way out- he was nice and said that he had heard of Mormons before - with family history stuff I think it was. I gave him a pass along card with on it too!
I went back to the Hostle and I stayed up late typing blogs so I would have something to post when I finally got internet connection again.

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